The Cuckoo's Daughter I
This is the story of how Cuca was born, after the struggles of a woman running for her life in the woods.

The Cuckoo's Daughter
Welcome to The Cuckoo’s Daughter, a story that began as a webcomic in 2018 and continues to evolve.
It all started with the comic Eva the chicken (2017), a small chicken who lived happily on the rooftop of a bakery, cherished by the loving family below. But despite her joyful life, something was missing—she couldn’t lay an egg. Everything changed when she discovered the truth about her origins, setting off a chain of events that led to The Cuckoo’s Daughter.
This is where A woman runs through the woods, clutching an egg, knowing she must protect it at all costs. What lies ahead is a journey of survival, discovery, and self-identity. The Cuckoo’s Daughter, or Cuca, as you will come to know her, grows up navigating a world that isn’t always welcoming—yet she persists, seeking her place, her truth, and her future.
Now, after a long journey, Cuca has finally found a place to call home, and this new series brings her story back to life. New episodes are in the works, and I’m thrilled to continue sharing her journey with you.
Where to Follow the Story
To give The Cuckoo’s Daughter a proper home, I have created a Patreon page, where you can follow the story, access exclusive content, and support its continuation. If you love Cuca’s journey and want to be part of this adventure, you can check it out here:
A Story in Three Languages
I share and read my stories in English, Spanish, and Basque. Spanish is my mother tongue, and Basque was my grandmas tonge I also learned Basque in school while living in Vitoria until I was 22, where I moved to Madrid and now, living in London, I probably use English the most in my daily life but my connection to all three languages remains strong.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of this journey!
You might notice the difference in my videos depending on the language—each one brings a unique rhythm and feeling to the story. I love how storytelling can shift and transform depending on the words and sounds we use.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of this journey!
The end of Eva the chicken, First comic of the series.
'Titi the chick' tells the origin of the egg. The Cuckoo's daughter is about the birth of the cuckoo and now I am working on Cuca, which is going to be share on Patreon, come and visit if you want follow her there. I would love to see you there, Thank you for visiting.

Eva the Chicken
Sadly Titi was killed, and but from her inside a woman start running holding an egg.
La hija del Cuco
Bienvenidos a La Hija del Cuco, una historia que comenzó como un webcómic en 2018 y que sigue evolucionando.
Pero realmente todo empezó con Eva la gallina , una pequeña gallina que vivía feliz en el tejado de una panadería, rodeada del cariño de la familia que vivía debajo. Pero, a pesar de su alegría, sentía que le faltaba algo: no podía poner un huevo. Todo cambió cuando descubrió la verdad sobre su origen, desencadenando una serie de eventos que dieron paso a La Hija del Cuco.
Aquí comienza esta historia: una mujer corre a través del bosque, aferrada a un huevo, sabiendo que debe protegerlo a toda costa. Lo que sigue es un viaje de supervivencia, descubrimiento e identidad. La Hija del Cuco, o Cuca, como pronto la conocerás, crece enfrentando un mundo que no siempre la acoge, pero ella sigue adelante, buscando su lugar, su verdad y su futuro.
Ahora, tras un largo viaje, Cuca finalmente ha encontrado un lugar al que llamar hogar, y esta nueva serie trae su historia de regreso. Nuevos episodios están en camino, y me emociona seguir compartiendo su aventura contigo.
Dónde Seguir la Historia
Para darle un hogar a La Hija del Cuco, he creado un Patreon, donde puedes seguir la historia, acceder a contenido exclusivo y apoyar su continuidad. Si te gusta la aventura de Cuca y quieres ser parte de ella, puedes verla aquí: