The Cuckoo's Daughter ( the beginning)

How it started

Welcome to the Cuckoo's Daughter comic. I first published this drawings on insta in 2016. Now that I am working on the continuation sharing the story here :) ¡Bienvenido a la historia de la hija del cuco! La comparti en 2016 en instamgram, ahora que quiero seguir con ella, he pensado publicarla en mi website para que podais seguir la historia.

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Run, run, run

A naked woman is running holding an egg.

They still coming

They are coming, too tired! I need to rest.

Multimedia collage

A place to rest

TRying to rest, the forest is more awake than ever, different noises coming.


Searching with eyes big open. Will they find the desperate woman?? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Encontrarán a la mujer desesperada?? Empiezan a rastrear el área.#chapter5#birds#webcomic#comic#comicdrawing#comics#adventure#spy#searchi

Finally the eggs are here

Part II

The little birds light three eggs.

  • The plan

    Woman studied birds routine. When they were leaving the nest and when they were together. Was like a shadow in ther forest. Feeding herself from her internal fire. Holding that egg with all her love.
    🥚🥚🥚 la mujer espió a los pajarillos día y noche, sin descanso. Estudio todas sus rutinas cuando entraban cuando salían. Cuando dejaban el nido a solas.
    Era una sombra más del bosque, solo alimentándose de su fuego interno.
    Sosteniéndo ese huevo con todo su amor.

  • the best time is at..

    That little egg needed a chance. She knew she couldn’t do it alone—but who could? Those birds? And how? How could she place the egg up in the tree without the birds noticing?

    The best way would be to do it without anyone seeing…

  • Empty nest was at:

    The woman noticed when the two birds were leaving the nest.

Bath time


Back to the nest

The little birds came back to the nest, everything was looking the same but was it?...

  • Birdies

    Birdies fly back to their nest as fast as they can. After examined one by one the eggs. they can not spot any difference, but ... they can feel that something happened🥚🥚🥚 los pajarillos vuelan a su nido rápidamente, tras examinar detenidamente los huevos no pueden encontrar ninguna diferencia pero sienten q Algo ha ocurrido#instacomics#drawing#webcomicsofinstagram#instacomic#historieta#historietas#metaphor#comic#comics#chapter21

  • Column

    1, 2, 3 ahh looks that all good, but... ah not sure! It's all good, don't worry they seems okey.

Los huevos

Y en una de estas que los pajarillos fueron a bańarse el huevo más grande se empezó a romper ...

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  • Column

    Cuckoo was born, but as soon as she came out of her egg she realised that nest was too small for her and her too other step siblings. Her instinct did whatever need to be done to survive.
    And the tragedy begins.
    🐥🐣🐥🐣🐥🐣 Cuco se dio cuenta tan pronto como abrió los ojos q ese nido era demasiado pequeño para ella y sus hermanos. Su instinto actuó para poder sobrevivir y su tragedia comenzó!

  • Cuckoo was born

    Cuckoo was born

  • There was not space

    And he through the eggs.

Something was wrong

How could be that nest so little, that the only way he could fit was by throughing the eggs away.

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Who is this?

And the birdies came back to their nest and surprise surprise what they found?? The baby cuckoo waiting for them.
Where are our eggs?? Thinks the mummy, where are my babies?? Who is this one?? Poor baby cuckoo she is innocent she deserves love and care and she was born in a place where there was no even space for her.She calls for food and love and they overwhelmed parents try their best but obviously, their dream family has gone.

Love this metaphor of all of us who are born in places where there is not enough space for our being.
We receive this sight of deformity or monstrosity as we are not what our parents where expecting for us to be.

How the baby cuckoo will survive... 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 🐣🖤🐥🖤🐥🖤🐥🖤🐥🖤🐥🖤🐥🖤 Y los pajarillos vuelven a su nido y sorpresa sorpresa q se encuentran, al bebé cuckoo pidiendo comida.
Donde están nuestros huevos se preguntan la madre?? Quien es esta?? Los padres intentan lo mejor q pueden para alimentar al bebé pero evidentemente no es el sueño de familia que tenían.
Pobre bebé cuco ella es inocente, solo quiere amor y cuidado.

#webcomicseries#comics#comic#chapter16#cuckoo#metaphor#historietas#journey#parenting#trauma# inocente#survive#nature#webcomics#instacomic#instacomics

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The end of part 1.

I am working on part 2 and 3 at the moment. I don't know how best to share then but I will find the best way. If you are reading this, THANK YOU very much for the support and interest, hope you enjoyed and are excited as I am to see how the little Cuckoo! Continues.....